
VoodooPad 5.1.8

VoodooPad 5.1.8 for macOS is now available for download and features the following changes:

  • Introduced new application, document, and preference icons.
  • Improved support for using Acorn as an image editor.
  • Fixed a bug where checkboxes could not be toggled.
  • Fixed an issue where the navigation arrows in the toolbar would stay disabled when navigating through a document.
  • Fixed an issue where the backlinks panel would either display no pages or display the wrong pages when viewing a page that was part of a link cycle.

We're still working on an update for VoodooPad 5 for iOS, but it's taking longer than expected. Right now our plan is to have a release ready in January.

VoodooPad 5.1.8 is a free update for all VoodooPad 5 customers.

John Poole is the founder of Primate Labs and lives in Toronto, Ontario. You can find John on Twitter.